Graduate Medical Education
Dr. Eddie Phillips is leading the development of an innovative curriculum in lifestyle medicine. This project is funded by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA).
Over the next three years, residents in Yale’s Preventive Medicine Residency Program will learn lifestyle medicine through this new curriculum, based on newly developed competencies in lifestyle medicine published in JAMA in 2010. It addresses four health behaviors: healthy diet, physical activity, smoking cessation, and stress reduction.

The ILM will play an ongoing role in the residents’ training, which will span the entire residency program:
- New residents will complete the ILM’s web-based training modules, including:
- Lifestyle Medicine for Stress Management
- Lifestyle Medicine for Weight Management
- Lifestyle Medicine: Prescribing Exercise
- Lifestyle Medicine: Osteoporosis
- Lifestyle Medicine: Metabolic Syndrome
- Lifestyle Medicine: Competencies Case Study
- Lifestyle Medicine: Acute Low Back Pain
- Second-year residents will attend Lifestyle Medicine: Tools for Promoting Healthy Change.
- Third-year residents will attend Active Lives: Transforming Ourselves and Our Patients.
- Fourth-year residents will attend a two-week practicum rotation led by Dr. Phillips and the ILM. Residents will rotate through several locations in the Greater Boston area and work with clinicians who are leaders in their fields to gain a thorough understanding of the practice of lifestyle medicine. Residents will experience health coaching, receive an individualized exercise prescription, and participate in lifestyle medicine groups, all in addition to the observership portion of the rotation.
The curriculum also includes didactic training for all residents six times each year. Experts in various areas of lifestyle medicine lead these sessions, including:
- Dr. Eddie Phillips, Lifestyle Medicine
- Dr. James Prochaska, Behavior Change
- Margaret Moore, MBA, Wellness Coaching